Comprehensive Ayurvedic approach with Vedic Astrology support for Diagnosing and Treatment for Healthy Living. Ayurveda Clinic in PUNE.

Astro Ayurveda Clinic
Sure way to a Healthy Life

Astro Ayurveda Clinic in PUNE

Astro Ayurevda Clinic, Pune is a unique Ayurveda Center for Ayurvedic Guidance and Services. We at the Clinic use the Birth Charts of the Patient along with the Conventional Investigation Reports.

Astro Ayurveda interprets the modern reports in Ayurvedic context and the astrology charts provide added and valuable insight about the disease and provides inputs about its onset and prognosis. It gives a perspective regarding the lifestyle of the patient and helps ascertain the wear and tear the body has undergone over the years.

Case History and Chronology of the past diseases, gives significant information about the patient’s current disease and his prevalent state of health. 
Ayurveda values these aspects and can define the status of health. Many times, the complaints of the patient are found to be symptoms that are caused by a disease that may have an entirely different origin.

The psychological makeup of the patient plays a large role in the cause of a disease. The astrology charts help ascertain this which in turn can decide the line of treatment. Counseling and disciplining the mind becomes an important aspect of treatment in such cases.

Astro Ayurveda Clinic includes these aspects as a part of its operating process and gives a roadmap to improve health and a complimenting personality.

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Objectives of Astro Ayurveda

The Astrological Element provides insight into the MIND and BODY functioning that can help provide the road map of the person’s health. Health includes Physical health and Mental health. Physical problems often are effects of the mental or psychological issues. Addressing the mental issues plays an important role to heal a person physically and change the quality of life for the better.

Ayurveda has solutions to address all medical issues like...






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Vedic Ayurveda is an extraordinary predictive and counseling tool. There are many wonderful ways of how Vedic Ayurveda can pinpoint specific events in a person’s life with uncanny accuracy. Yet Vedic astrologers also can relate deep wisdom about a person’s life purpose, karma and spiritual path.

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